L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu!
Congregation B’nai Israel warmly welcomes you to our High Holy Days services. Our programming and learning opportunities are designed to fit the diverse spiritual needs of our congregants and guests. Many services this year will be offered both in person and via YouTube Livestream. Please log in with your Shul Cloud account to view the schedule. If you need assistance, please contact our office at 916.446.4861.
We recommend bookmarking this page and checking back for the latest updates!
Helpful Details:
- For our guests:
- If you are not a member and would like to join us for services, please click here for information about guest passes.
- Active duty military, National Guard, and Reserve personnel on extended active duty may attend our worship services at no charge with a valid military ID card. Please email exec-assistant@bnais.com to let us know what service(s) you are planning to attend, so we can have a complimentary pass/name badge ready for you.
- College students may attend our worship services at no charge with a valid student ID card. Please email exec-assistant@bnais.com to let us know what service(s) you are planning to attend, so we can have a complimentary pass/name badge ready for you.
- In order for the passes to be processed in time, please be aware of the following deadlines: requests for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah need to be submitted by Tuesday, October 1, at 12 noon; requests for Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur need to be submitted by Thursday, October 10, at 12 noon.
- Interested in becoming a CBI member? Learn more and join now!
- For all:
- Please contact our office for any special accommodations needed (e.g., listening devices, large print siddurs, or reserved parking).
- Regretfully, we will not be able to offer the Apples & Honey Youth Program this year. Children are welcome for every service if accompanied by an adult. We encourage you to bring quiet activities. Child-friendly spaces will also be available for children and their grown-ups to take a break during services, if needed.
New this year: On Yom Kippur, the Conference Room will be a “Non-Fasting Space” for those that cannot fast yet want to spend the day at temple. Please bring your own food and beverages; water will be provided.
- As we prepare to gather for the High Holy Days, please be mindful of the following:
- Bag policy: For everyone's security and protection, we kindly ask that you refrain from bringing large totes, backpacks, or oversized purses to services. All bags are subject to search. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
- If you are not feeling well, please err on the side of caution — stay home, take care of yourself, and join us via YouTube Livestream. Thank you for your consideration. Very best wishes for a healthy, happy new year!
Please log in with your Shul Cloud account to view the schedule. If you need assistance, please contact our office at 916.446.4861.
Visit The Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop
The gift shop has a wonderful selection of Rosh Hashanah items, including shofars (in various sizes) and honey dishes. For more information, please visit cbisacramento.org/giftshop. Chag sameach and we hope to see you soon.
Support the Central Downtown Food Basket —
A CBI High Holy Days Tradition
Every year at this time, for over three decades, our congregation has filled our foyers with donations of canned goods and nonperishable food items for the Central Downtown Food Basket (CDFB) to support their work to feed over 1800 households in the greater Sacramento area each month who are food insecure.
This year, to have the most impact, we hope you will join our TSC Campaign and fill our foyers with donations of TUNA, SOUP, and CHECKS – the most needed CDFB items. CDFB’s buying power enables them to buy $2 to $3 worth of food for every $1 donated. Donations can be made by dropping off a check (made payable to: Central Downtown Food Basket) in the collection boxes in our Sanctuary foyers. Bags of canned goods and nonperishable food items of all types are still welcome and encouraged. Donations can also be made on the CDFB website (www.cdfb.org).
In addition to supporting CDFB, please consider making a donation to Congregation B’nai Israel’s Caring Community Fund to support our fellow congregants.
Gift of Tzedakah
Please consider donating your Gift of Tzedakah! With your Gift of Tzedakah, we can expand our ability to create and meet the moment while safeguarding our congregation for future generations. Thank you for your generosity, which is crucial for our community to continue to go from strength to strength.