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Congregation B'nai Israel Membership Application

We are delighted that you are choosing to be part of our community. Please complete this form. This information enables us to to find ways to enrich your experience with us. All information will be treated in a confidential and respectful manner. Your information will only be shared with the appropriate staff
and committee chairs.

If you have any questions or concerns as you complete the application, please contact Pam Herman, Interim Executive Director, at
Household Status:


Transliteration is preferred

Religious Background:
Transliteration is preferred
Religious Background:
Please indicate only those  who are minors or are claimed dependents,
Child 1
Transliteration is preferred
Child 2
Transliteration is preferred

Child 3
Transliteration is preferred

Child 4
Transliteration is preferred
Congregation B'nai Israel is committed to never denying a Jewish education.  Below are the tuition fees for our Religious School, Tuesday Hebrew School and Kesher Programs, including Confirmation.

Grade Annual Tuition (2024-2025)
K’tonton (members rate) $295
Pre K – 3rd grade and 7th grade $505
4th – 6th grade $755
8th – 9th and 11th - 12th grade $375
10th grade (includes Confirmation) $667

Scholarship are available; please click here to apply

As a member, Congregation B'nai Israel will send you reminders of your loved ones' Yahrzeit dates.  You will receive a reminder several weeks in advance of an upcoming Yahrzeit.  Names of the departed are read during the Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat service following the anniversary of death.

Please use the fields below for your beloved one's Yahrzeits.
PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: I acknowledge that Congregation B’nai Israel is responsible for producing and publishing a variety of newsletters, brochures, videos, flyers and social media publicity. I also understand some educational sessions may take place online and be recorded. I hereby authorize CBI to use, reproduce or publish photographs or videos of my family, including children, which may be taken during our participation in services, programming, or religious school and educational activities for any purposes without compensation to me or my child/children.

We appreciate our members' generous contribution of time, talent and financial support that enables CBI to keep Judaism meaningful, vibrant, and relevant in our community and daily lives.

Your financial support is a necessary ingredient to sustain our wonderful traditions. It is our commitment to never refuse membership based on finances or deny a child a Jewish education because of family’s lack of financial resources. We ask only that you be intentional about your ability to contribute. Every congregant who makes a sincere pledge in any amount is a valued member of our congregation.

Below are the suggested 2024-2025 annual membership commitment levels.  

Nasim (Leaders) $8,000
Giborim (Heros) $7,000
Malachim (Angels) $6,000
T’zadikim (Righteous Ones) $5,000
Shomrim (Guardians) $4,000
Bonim (Builders) $3,500
Family Membership $3,380 (Religious School Tuition is additional)
Single Membership $2,370
Senior Family (Limited Income) $1,820
Senior Single (Limited Income) $1,435
*Associate Member $600
*Friends of CBI Membership $180

Visit for membership details.
We ask each membership household to make an annual financial commitment.  Our membership year is July 1 - June 30.  Payments can be made over the year or in one payment.  We ask that the commitment is paid by June 30, unless arrangements are made with the Executive Director.

No person will be denied membership based on financial resources.  All conversations regarding finances are strictly confidential.

Also, a reminder if you are current with your membership commitment, you may gift a free membership for one year to a family or individual who is not currently a member of, or affiliated with, another congregation. That membership will include tickets to the High Holy Days. 


Please select your membership commitment below.

Please enter in an amount that works for your household.
Beginning in the second year of membership, each CBI member household is assessed a Building Fund Pledge amounting to 1 ½ times the initial membership commitment. This amount is spread over five years. The Building Fund is specifically for the ongoing maintenance and repairs of our buildings. 
We ask that financial commitments are paid by June 30, unless arrangements are made with the Executive Director.

On the next page, you will have the option to make a payment, either partial or full, set-up recurring payments or post to your membership account for payment at a later date.
Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785