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Pride Committee

Sacramento Pride March 2023

The Pride Committee, previously known as the 'Gay Rights Committee,' was created by CBI members of all orientations to voice support for the LGBTQ+ community at a time of troubling acts of hate and homophobia in the Sacramento area. The committee evolved to be active in the campaign for marriage equality. More recently, attention has been given to the place of transgender individuals in Reform Judaism and in the history of Jewish thought.

At Congregation B’nai Israel, we are blessed with many advocates and allies above and beyond those involved in the Pride Committee. The committee has sponsored an Oneg dessert reception following CBI's annual Pride Shabbat in June each year. A contingent of CBI members have marched with the CBI Banner in the Sacramento Pride Parade in past years along with other concerned religious communities. 

CBI recognizes that the progress made toward marriage equality and civil rights for all members of the LGBTQ+ community is under increasing threats that justify discrimination in the name of ‘religious freedom’ as well as a new conservative majority on the Supreme Court, with some Justices openly calling for reversal of prior court rulings.  

With these challenges in mind, we are inviting all interested members, regardless of orientation, to step forward to be part of a re-energized Pride Committee and bring their ideas for action items to support and protect the civil rights of all LGBTQ+ people. Prior members of the committee are asked to reconfirm their commitment.

All interested individuals are welcome. We’re always looking for more enthusiastic congregants to join our small but mighty committee! To join our email list, contact



You can't always tell someone's pronouns by how they look


CBI Pride Shabbat Handout

This PDF contains helpful information about using pronouns, and provides links for additional LGBTQ+ resources.

Sacramento Pride March 2023

Sacramento Pride March 2023

CBI Pride! Sacramento Pride March, June 2023

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785