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Sustainable Living Committee

The Sustainable Living Committee (SLC) is dedicated to environmental conservation and preservation, by encouraging sustainable practices in daily life and working on projects to “green” the CBI campus and the community. These efforts are grounded in Jewish teachings and values, with the spirit of Tikkun Olam – repairing the world.


click on project to jump to descriptions

American River Parkway Stewardship

Contact: Todd Mendell
 Location Map

Environmental preservation is a cornerstone of the philosophy of the Sustainable Living Committee. One way we have demonstrated our commitment is through our partnership with the American River Parkway Foundation. B’nai Israel is now in its 20th year of stewardship of Mile 17 on the American River Parkway in Rancho Cordova.  CBI’s volunteers gather to enjoy nature while nurturing a valuable community ecological resource.

As Parkway Stewards, B’nai Israel promises to provide 80 hours of service per year cleaning or improving our mile. In addition to regular monthly cleanups, special cleanups can be arranged for specific groups, such as chavurot, or students who need community service hours.

GAN ORGANIC: CBI’s Community Garden

Contact: Tonia Davis

Gan Organic provides a sustainable and organic model of food production and beautiful garden spaces. It was created to support the CBI religious school in its Jewish teachings of environmentalism and Earth stewardship. Gan Organic promotes sustainable practices by providing experiential learning opportunities for Religious School Students, Camp Shelanu participants, and the entire CBI community. In Gan Organic, plantings have a purpose. The harvested produce is used by the Temple for Jewish holiday foods, chug cooking classes and the Sacramento community with donations to local food banks.

Congregation volunteers are welcome to participate in this venture. There are a variety of ways to get involved, and no experience is necessary. Enjoy the satisfaction of growing wonderful, healthy, nutritious food. This is an ongoing, year-round family-friendly activity, great for service projects, B’nai Mitzvah or Youth Group activities. Donations always welcome.


One of the goals of the Sustainable Living Committee is to increase recycling at CBI, and divert as much recyclable material as possible from landfill. B’nai Israel participates in a “mixed recycling” program which allows all types of recyclables to be collected together in one bin. Every year, Americans create 251 million tons of trash, and 164 million of those end up in landfills. But they don’t have to. Without exception, recycling is the top action people can take to simultaneously improve the environment, the economy, sustainable manufacturing and prevent waste from going into oceans. (Sources: Republic Services; Recycle Across America)

Everyone is encouraged to join the recycling effort at home, work, school and at Temple. While on campus at B’nai Israel, look out for the blue bins labeled Mixed Recycling: paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and aluminum are all accepted in one container for ease of use.



A creative and functional bike rack by Sacramento metal artist Gina Rossi was dedicated October 2013 to address the need for additional bike storage at B’nai Israel. The bike rack is a sculptural rendering of the four Hebrew letters spelling Shalom, integrating the “Seven Species” as additional design elements and providing an exciting opportunity to promote sustainable living and add a unique, meaningful sculptural piece to the campus.


Religious School students and four generations of Sustainable Living Committee volunteers gathered to plant trees at the Temple along Riverside Boulevard. As they tell it in the Tu B’Shevat story of Honi, “Just as my parents and grandparents planted trees for me, so I plant trees for my children and grandchildren.” Seven new trees, including Japanese Maples, Strawberry Trees, Ginkgo Biloba, and Western Redbud were planted to provide interest and beauty while contributing to the “greening” of our campus and neighborhood.

B’nai Israel’s SLC and Board of Trustees created the “Growing our Canopy” campaign as an opportunity to support this project. Donations covered the cost and maintenance of the new trees and landscaping in the Riverside Boulevard planting area. We are grateful for all of the contributions to this effort.


New committee members and volunteers are always welcome. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like more information on SLC projects.


We are proud to support other local and state environmental groups, including:

California Interfaith Power & Light 

350 Sacramento

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785