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Women of B'nai Israel

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Women of B’nai Israel (an affiliate of Women of Reform Judaism) is the collective presence, voice and strength of women within the structure of our Congregation. We support and strengthen our synagogue, our greater community and progressive Judaism through our social action programs and fundraising efforts. We are a diverse, multi-generational group who draw strength from each other in our commitment to our Jewish ideals and value the energy, ideas, and participation that our members bring. 

Our programs and social action projects inspire personal growth, Jewish involvement and a strong sense of community. We are committed to Jewish education, we support progressive Judaism in Israel and we are actively involved in service to our community!



WBI provides opportunities to serve Congregation B’nai Israel and the larger community through learning, social action, worship and programming.

Over the past two years, donated $36,900 to support our congregation, our community and progressive Judaism.

What we will be doing this year: 

  • Continuing our partnership with the Sacramento Refugee Resettlement Circle to welcome and support the refugee family from Ukraine.
  • BANS OFF OUR BODIES! Our members will continue to take action to support reproductive rights and women's health choices, including partnering with the NCJW in Reproductive Rights Shabbat and supporting the abortion access projects of our Membership Appreciation Event speaker. 
  • Rosh Chodesh — learning how the “Dangerous Women of the Talmud” challenged our views of Jewish women, thanks to the support of Rabbi Stacy Petersohn. 
  • Virtual Museum Tours — to gain knowledge of Jewish history, art, and stories, while supporting our local community’s needs.
  • Mah Jongg on Mondays
    We are currently meeting in-person every Monday in the Sosnick Library at 1:00 PM. Proof of vaccination required. Contact Suzy Underwood with questions.
  • Book Discussion Group
    Contact Elaine Berghausen  to be part of our book discussion group which meets monthly on Zoom. 


Women of B’nai Israel’s activities this past year:

  • Virtually toured exhibits at the San Francisco  Contemporary Jewish Museum to raise funds for programs for Women and Girls at Rabbi Galit Cohen-Kedem’s Kodesh v’ Chol synagogue in Israel.
  • BANS OFF OUR BODIES! Our members have rallied and marched together to support reproductive rights and women's health choice, and partnered with the speaker at our annual Membership Appreciation Event (Dr. Kelly Pfeifer) to support abortion access.
  • Joined the Sacramento Refugee Resettlement Circle in welcoming a family from Ukraine by raising funds and providing Judaica.
  • Held an accessory sale during the Purim Carnival to also raise funds for Kodesh v’Chol. 
  • Contributed to BISY (our Senior Youth Group), Camp Nefesh (summer day camp for refugee children), CBI Religious Schools scholarships, and Campership Awards for overnight URJ camps. 
  • Assisted women and families in need by supporting local organizations, such as My Sister’s House, Family Promise and Women’s Empowerment, as well contributing $5,000 to the Central Downtown Food Basket.
  • Contributed over $1,000 in gift cards to Opening Doors to aid in refugee resettlement. 
  • Partnered with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) to send over 1,000 postcards to voters around the country and over 700 postcards for the Georgia special election as part of the Reclaim Our Vote Campaign. 
  • Hosted in-person Rosh Hashanah Reception to welcome our congregants back to CBI!


The Women of B’nai Israel is a “Shared Governance” organization, and there are many ports of entry into WBI. We encourage all of our members to find a niche where they can become direct contributors, work with other women of Congregation B’nai Israel, enrich their involvement in our local community and the Jewish community at large, as well as making new friends and having fun in meaningful activities.

Women of B'nai Israel


  1. If you prefer to renew or join online with a credit card or by PayPal, please click here to go to the WBI Donorbox link. Notes: You do not need a PayPal account to pay your dues online when filling out the Donorbox form; and when paying online, there is no need to complete a membership form.
  2. Those who prefer to pay by check, please click here to download/print the membership form. Make your check payable to WBI and mail it with your completed form to:  Women of B’nai Israel, c/o Maryann Rabovsky, 3600 Riverside Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95818. Please email Maryann with any questions.  

Your dues are tax deductible. Joining WBI also creates a membership for each woman in WRJ Pacific District and WRJ North America as well as our international connections through WRJ. Our voices resonate and make a difference as members, engaging and empowering all who identify as Reform Jewish women.

Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop

The Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop is Open!  
We have a wonderful variety of Judaica to meet your personal and gift needs.  Visit the Gift Shop webpage for complete details, hours, and contact info! Thanks for supporting Women of B’nai Israel and our congregation!






Please feel free to communicate with us if have further questions, need encouragement, or want to share ideas at


To make a donation to any of the Women of B'nai Israel funds, please click here.


Women of B’nai Israel is a charter member of Women of Reform Judaism, an international organization founded in 1913 as an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism.

Learn more about WRJ. 

Read the WRJ blog.

WBI is part of the Pacific District of WRJ. The district has just created a transition and engagement plan to  strengthen the relationship between Women of Reform Judaism and members of our district by:

  • Welcoming and engaging potential, new, and current members
  • Recognizing and celebrating the diversity in our district
  • Connecting our sisterhoods/women’s groups and individual members to encourage collaboration 
  • Empowering each member to achieve her highest potential as an individual.

Access the WRJ Pacific District transition and engagement plan

Follow what is happening in our district.

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785